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나이키 조던 그랜빌 프로 남성 신발 - DV1235-100 남자 슈즈 세일상품 수량증가 수량감소 197900 (  2000)
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찐샵의 모든 나이키 상품은

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100% 정품으로 믿고 구매해주시면 됩니다.

오늘 소개해드릴 상품은

나이키 조던 그랜빌 프로 남성 신발 - DV1235-100 남자 슈즈 세일상품

나이키 조던 그랜빌 프로 남성 신발 - DV1235-100 남자 슈즈 세일상품



당신의 가고 싶은 곳은 무엇입니까? 23 Engineered 라인에 새로 추가된 Granville Pro는 24\/7 컨셉을 크게 구현합니다.
클래식한 스웨이드부터 레이저 컷 텍스타일, 통풍이 잘 되는 메시까지 다양한 소재를 조합하여 MJ의 대학 시절에서 영감을 얻었습니다.
혀의 노출된 폼과 스포티한 힐 클립이 복고풍 미래 지향적인 감각을 더해줍니다.
그리고 숨겨진 디테일(혀 라벨 텍스트와 밑창에 새겨진 "23"을 확인하세요)이 영향력을 더해줍니다.
무엇을 하든 Granville Pro가 도와드립니다.<\/p>

Solve for Comfort<\/b><\/p>

Formula 23 is Jordan's signature foam, and it's here to give you cushioning for every step you take—from one side of the city to the other.<\/p>

Mixed Media<\/b><\/p>

Leather, sturdy woven fabrics, tough molded plastic, and a jewel swoosh logo combine for a textural collage-like design.<\/p>

Product Details<\/b><\/p>

  • 23 Engineered branding on tongue<\/li><\/ul><\/div><\/div>"]


    What's your go-to? A fresh addition to the 23 Engineered line, the Granville Pro swoops in and delivers big on the concept of 24\/7.
    A throwback mix of materials, from classic suede to laser-cut textile and airy mesh, is inspired by MJ's university days.
    Exposed foam on the tongue and a sporty heel clip add retro-futuristic flair.
    And hidden details (check out the tongue label text and "23" molded into the outsole) add clout.
    Whatever you're getting up to, the Granville Pro has you covered.<\/p>

    편안함을 위한 해결<\/b><\/p>

    Formula 23 is Jordan's signature foam, and it's here to give you cushioning for every step you take—from one side of the city to the other.<\/p>

    Mixed Media<\/b><\/p>

    Leather, sturdy woven fabrics, tough molded plastic, and a jewel swoosh logo combine for a textural collage-like design.<\/p>

    Product Details<\/b><\/p>

    • 23 Engineered branding on tongue<\/li><\/ul><\/div><\/div>"]


      What's your go-to? A fresh addition to the 23 Engineered line, the Granville Pro swoops in and delivers big on the concept of 24\/7.
      A throwback mix of materials, from classic suede to laser-cut textile and airy mesh, is inspired by MJ's university days.
      Exposed foam on the tongue and a sporty heel clip add retro-futuristic flair.
      And hidden details (check out the tongue label text and "23" molded into the outsole) add clout.
      Whatever you're getting up to, the Granville Pro has you covered.<\/p>

      Solve for Comfort<\/b><\/p>

      Formula 23은 조던의 시그니처 폼으로, 도시의 한 쪽에서 다른 쪽까지 발걸음을 옮길 때마다 쿠셔닝을 제공합니다.<\/p>

      Mixed Media<\/b><\/p>

      Leather, sturdy woven fabrics, tough molded plastic, and a jewel swoosh logo combine for a textural collage-like design.<\/p>

      Product Details<\/b><\/p>

      • 23 Engineered branding on tongue<\/li><\/ul><\/div><\/div>"]


        What's your go-to? A fresh addition to the 23 Engineered line, the Granville Pro swoops in and delivers big on the concept of 24\/7.
        A throwback mix of materials, from classic suede to laser-cut textile and airy mesh, is inspired by MJ's university days.
        Exposed foam on the tongue and a sporty heel clip add retro-futuristic flair.
        And hidden details (check out the tongue label text and "23" molded into the outsole) add clout.
        Whatever you're getting up to, the Granville Pro has you covered.<\/p>

        Solve for Comfort<\/b><\/p>

        Formula 23 is Jordan's signature foam, and it's here to give you cushioning for every step you take—from one side of the city to the other.<\/p>

        혼합 매체<\/b><\/p>

        Leather, sturdy woven fabrics, tough molded plastic, and a jewel swoosh logo combine for a textural collage-like design.<\/p>

        Product Details<\/b><\/p>

        • 23 Engineered branding on tongue<\/li><\/ul><\/div><\/div>"]


          What's your go-to? A fresh addition to the 23 Engineered line, the Granville Pro swoops in and delivers big on the concept of 24\/7.
          A throwback mix of materials, from classic suede to laser-cut textile and airy mesh, is inspired by MJ's university days.
          Exposed foam on the tongue and a sporty heel clip add retro-futuristic flair.
          And hidden details (check out the tongue label text and "23" molded into the outsole) add clout.
          Whatever you're getting up to, the Granville Pro has you covered.<\/p>

          Solve for Comfort<\/b><\/p>

          Formula 23 is Jordan's signature foam, and it's here to give you cushioning for every step you take—from one side of the city to the other.<\/p>

          Mixed Media<\/b><\/p>

          가죽, 튼튼한 우븐 패브릭, 튼튼한 성형 플라스틱, 보석 스우시 로고가 결합되어 질감 있는 콜라주 같은 디자인을 연출합니다.<\/p>

          Product Details<\/b><\/p>

          • 23 Engineered branding on tongue<\/li><\/ul><\/div><\/div>"]


            What's your go-to? A fresh addition to the 23 Engineered line, the Granville Pro swoops in and delivers big on the concept of 24\/7.
            A throwback mix of materials, from classic suede to laser-cut textile and airy mesh, is inspired by MJ's university days.
            Exposed foam on the tongue and a sporty heel clip add retro-futuristic flair.
            And hidden details (check out the tongue label text and "23" molded into the outsole) add clout.
            Whatever you're getting up to, the Granville Pro has you covered.<\/p>

            Solve for Comfort<\/b><\/p>

            Formula 23 is Jordan's signature foam, and it's here to give you cushioning for every step you take—from one side of the city to the other.<\/p>

            Mixed Media<\/b><\/p>

            Leather, sturdy woven fabrics, tough molded plastic, and a jewel swoosh logo combine for a textural collage-like design.<\/p>

            제품 세부 정보<\/b><\/p>

            • 23 Engineered branding on tongue<\/li><\/ul><\/div><\/div>"]


              What's your go-to? A fresh addition to the 23 Engineered line, the Granville Pro swoops in and delivers big on the concept of 24\/7.
              A throwback mix of materials, from classic suede to laser-cut textile and airy mesh, is inspired by MJ's university days.
              Exposed foam on the tongue and a sporty heel clip add retro-futuristic flair.
              And hidden details (check out the tongue label text and "23" molded into the outsole) add clout.
              Whatever you're getting up to, the Granville Pro has you covered.<\/p>

              Solve for Comfort<\/b><\/p>

              Formula 23 is Jordan's signature foam, and it's here to give you cushioning for every step you take—from one side of the city to the other.<\/p>

              Mixed Media<\/b><\/p>

              Leather, sturdy woven fabrics, tough molded plastic, and a jewel swoosh logo combine for a textural collage-like design.<\/p>

              Product Details<\/b><\/p>

              • 23 혀의 엔지니어링 브랜딩<\/li><\/ul><\/div><\/div>"]


          고액결제의 경우 안전을 위해 카드사에서 확인전화를 드릴 수도 있습니다. 확인과정에서 도난 카드의 사용이나 타인 명의의 주문등 정상적인 주문이 아니라고 판단될 경우 임의로 주문을 보류 또는 취소할 수 있습니다.  

          무통장 입금은 상품 구매 대금은 PC뱅킹, 인터넷뱅킹, 텔레뱅킹 혹은 가까운 은행에서 직접 입금하시면 됩니다.  
          주문시 입력한 입금자명과 실제입금자의 성명이 반드시 일치하여야 하며, 7일 이내로 입금을 하셔야 하며 입금되지 않은 주문은 자동취소 됩니다.


          • 배송 방법 : 택배
          • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
          • 배송 비용 : 15,000원
          • 배송 기간 : 9일 ~ 18일
          • 배송 안내 :

            찐샵은 나이키 해외구매대행 전문몰 입니다.

            배송시간은 평균 9~18일 정도 소요됩니다.

          교환 및 반품정보

          초기불량의 경우 100% 교환 및 반품 가능합니다.

          단 고객변심에 의한 교환이나 반품은 별도 책정된 배송료가 부과됩니다.


          판매하는 모든 상품에 대한 배송,교환,환불등 모든 민원은 대표 심성보에 있습니다. 민원담당자 : 심성보 연락처 : 070-8064-8749


          상품의 사용후기를 적어주세요.

          게시물이 없습니다

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          상품에 대해 궁금한 점을 해결해 드립니다.

          게시물이 없습니다

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      우리은행 1002-347-566987 (예금주 : 심성보)
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      ※ 교환 및 반품시 미리 고객센터에 접수후 보내주세요
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      점심 : 12:00 ~ 13:00
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